Medical Physics April 2022: Visit from Chile at the DKFZ in Heidelberg
In April Susana Dörr (Head of the Department Furher Education and International Cooperation at the Clinica Alemana in Santiago de Chile) visited the DKFZ and the Division of Medical Physics in Radiation Oncology (Head: Prof. Jäkel).
During her stay she met Dr. Simone Barthold-Beß and Marcel Schäfer from Prof. Jäkel's Division to discuss new teaching activities and further projects in the field of education and training in Medical Physics to strengthen the existing cooperation between both institutes. At the end of 2022 a scientific workshop is scheduled to be held as hybrid event in Chile.
More information about this and other activities in Chile is available online here
Furthermore, a guided tour to the new building “Imaging and Radiooncology” as well as to the DKFZ main building concluded the visit of Susana Dörr.