Medical Physics Two visiting students from Chile at DKFZ
Two Master's students in Medical Physics from our partner university in Chile (Pontifical Catholic University of Chile (UC)) visited the German Cancer Research Center (DKFZ) in October and November 2023 to further develop their research projects of their Master's Thesis. Isidora Muñoz Hernández joined the research group of Dr. Niklas Wahl (Research Group: Radiotherapy Optimization) to implement her own software called IS2aR which she developed during her undergradute studies into matRad to optimize treatment planning by considering a whole-body CT. Karol Raccoursier also join Dr. Wahls group to install a Tumor Response Model (TRM) for further research. Additionally, she joined the team of Dr. Ina Kurth (Morszeck Service Unit for Preclinical Trials) to conduct various biological and radiobiological experiments.
The visits were part of and finanzed by our collaboration with Chile in the frame of the project "Centers of Excellence in Research and Teaching" at the Heidelberg Center Latin America (HCLA) which is funded by the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD).