Medical PhysicsWorkshops in Chile
In late November and in early December 2022, the different workshops in Chile took successfully place. Due to the hybrid mode of some workshops, participants from around the globe as well as mainly from South America attended the courses. Thanks to our speakers not only from Heidelberg, but also from Tübingen and Dresden (both Germany) as well as Paris (France), Rome (Italy) and Lausanne (Switzerland), actual reseach was presented and discussed with participants.
All workshops were hosted under the auspices of the “Heidelberg Institute for Radiation Oncology” (HIRO) as part of our long-lasting cooperation between Heidelberg and Chile which is funded by the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD), the Federal Foreign Office of the Federal Republic of Germany as well as by the German Federal Ministry of Research and Education.
Photo galleries of the workshops are available on our website:
Photos of scientific workshop at HCLA