HCLA Alumni
The desire of many alumni to stay in touch with their alma mater after graduation and not lose sight of friends from their student days led to the founding of Heidelberg Alumni International in 1996, an alumni initiative primarily for foreign former students.
As one of the first alumni associations in Germany, Heidelberg Alumni International (HAI) was able to set standards in many areas and implement innovative projects. Contacts with alumni quickly proved to be extremely valuable for the university as well. As experts, multipliers and partners in international competition, alumni have become important ambassadors for Heidelberg, holding key positions in science, politics, business and culture worldwide.
With the goal of building a global network, Heidelberg Alumni International has succeeded in establishing and expanding contacts with alumni in 134 countries since its founding in 1996. In total, the University has several thousand records of foreign and German alumni who have studied or conducted research at Heidelberg University since the 1950s.
To strengthen the alumni network, the University has initiated and supported the establishment of alumni clubs abroad in recent years. With a country-specific program of events, the clubs complement the services offered by Heidelberg University and provide further opportunities for alumni to network with one another. Together with the university's liaison offices in Latin America, North America, South Asia, and also East Asia, the alumni clubs are supporting components of Heidelberg University's overall international concept.

Heidelberg Alumni Chile
As early as 2005, three years after the founding of the Heidelberg Center Latin America, the first 12 students graduated in the “Master of Law in International Law” program.
Currently, around 40 students are completing their studies in the various degree programs at HCLA. In addition, there are numerous participants in the continuing education programs and courses in German as a foreign and specialist language.
Since 2015, Heidelberg Alumni Chile (HACL) has been one of more than 20 international clubs in Heidelberg University's worldwide alumni network - Heidelberg Alumni International.
Heidelberg Alumni Chile (HACL) Meeting 2020
- Dr. Inés Recio
Executive Academic Director Heidelberg Center Latein America - Prof. María Teresa Infante Caffi
Universidad de Chile - Prof. Dr. h.c. Thomas Pfeiffer
Universität Heidelberg - Prof. Claudio Troncoso Repetto
Universidad de Chile