Medical Physics Visit of Dr. Chong from CAS in Heidelberg
In May 2023, Dr. Guillermo Chong (Radiologist from Clínica Alemana de Santiago de Chile (CAS)) visited Heidelberg and the German Cancer Research Center (DKFZ) and its partner institutes such as Heidelberg University Hospital and the Heidelberg Ion Beam Therapy Center (HIT).
During the first day, he meet Prof. Dr. Heinz Schlemmer, Head of the Divison of Radiology at DKFZ as well as Dr. Stefan Kegel from the same division (Medical Physics Expert in Nuclear Medicine. He was introduced to the current PET-MR and PET-CT devices at DKFZ. Furthermore, he visited the new Ethos Linac in the Division of Medical Physics in Radiation Oncology (Head: Prof. Dr. Oliver Jäkel).

The second day started with meetings at the Department of Nuclear Medicine at Heidelberg University Hospital. Dr. Chong could discuss the actual treatments of prostate cancer in Heidelberg togther with Prof. Dr. Uwe Haberkorn (Head of the Department) as well as Dr. Clemens Kratochwil (Senior Physician in the same department). Later, he was introduced to the MR-Linac by Dr. Philipp Högen (Senior Physician in the Department of Radiation Oncology and Radiation Therapy, Head: Prof. Dr. Dr. Jürgen Debus) as well as to the HIT facility by Dr. Semi Harrabi (Senior Physician at the Heidelberg Ion Beam Therapy Center).
Furthermore, a meeting Dr. Ina Kurth (Head of Laboratory in the Division of Radiooncology / Radiobiology, headed by Prof. Dr. Dr. h. c. Michael Baumann) was scheduled to investage further research projects between DKFZ and CAS.