German Language Courses (2024) Course levels
The German courses offered by the Heidelberg Center for Latin America are extensive (regular), semi-intensive or intensive with a systematic progression where each level is programmed according to the previous knowledge of the participants or the previous level, based on the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages (CEF). Each course consists of 48 academic hours. Extensive courses require approximately 9 months of study for a complete level, intensive courses can be shortened to 3 months.

Basic Levels
Level A 1 (equivalent to A 1.1 - A 1.3 CEF)
The student recognizes very basic, commonly used words and expressions related to self, family, and immediate environment when spoken slowly and clearly. Can understand words, familiar names and very simple phrases such as those on signs, posters and catalogs. Can participate in a conversation, provided the other person is willing to repeat what he/she has said, at a slower speed and help him/her formulate what he/she is trying to say. Can ask and answer simple questions on topics of immediate need or very familiar matters. Can express him/herself to describe the place where he/she lives and people he/she knows. Can write short, simple postcards, e.g. to send greetings. Can fill in forms with personal data.
Level A 2 (equivalent to A 2.1 - A 2.3 CEF)
The student understands sentences with a more common vocabulary on topics of personal interest, such as very basic personal or family information, shopping, place of residence, employment, etc. Can understand the main idea of short, clear and simple notices and messages, as well as read very short and easy texts. Can find specific and predictable information in elementary and everyday writings, such as advertisements, prospectuses, menus, schedules. Can understand and write short and simple personal letters, for example, to thank or congratulate someone. Can communicate in tasks requiring a simple and direct exchange of information on everyday activities and matters. Can conduct very brief social exchanges, although generally cannot understand enough to keep the conversation going on my own. Can use a range of idiomatic expressions and phrases to describe in simple terms his/her family and other people, living conditions, educational background, and present or last job. Is able to write brief notes and messages related to his/her immediate needs.
At the end of this cycle the international exam Start Deutsch 2 can be taken.
Intermediate Levels
Level B 1 (equivalent to B 1.1. – B 1.3 CEF)
The student understands the main ideas when the speech is clear and deals with everyday matters that take place at work, at school or university, during leisure time, etc. Can understand the main idea of many radio or television programs dealing with current affairs or matters of personal or professional interest, when articulation is relatively slow and clear. Can understand texts written in a language used in everyday or work-related situations. Can understand descriptions of events, feelings and wishes in personal letters. Can deal with almost all situations encountered when travelling in a country where the language is spoken. Can spontaneously participate in a conversation on everyday topics of personal interest or relevant to daily life (e.g. family, hobbies, work, travel and current events). Can link sentences in a simple way in order to describe experiences and events, dreams, hopes and ambitions. Can briefly explain and justify his/her opinions and plans. Can narrate a story, the plot of a book or film and can describe reactions. Can write simple, well linked texts on topics that are familiar or of personal interest. Can write personal letters describing experiences and impressions.
At the end of this cycle the international exam Zertifikat Deutsch can be taken.
Level B 2 (equivalent to B 2.1. – B 2.3 CEF)
The student understands long speeches and lectures and even follows complex lines of argument as long as the topic is relatively familiar. Understands almost all television news and current affairs programs. Understands most films in which the language is spoken at a standard language level. Is able to read articles and reports relating to contemporary issues in which the authors take specific positions or points of view. Understands contemporary literary prose. Can participate in conversation with some fluency and spontaneity, enabling normal communication with native speakers. Can take an active part in discussions in everyday situations, explaining and defending his/her point of view. Can present clear, detailed descriptions of a wide range of subjects related to his/her field of specialization. Can explain a viewpoint on a topical issue, giving the advantages and disadvantages of various options. Can write clear, detailed texts on a wide range of subjects related to his/her interests. Can write essays or reports conveying information or proposing reasons to support or refute a particular point of view. Can write letters highlighting the importance he/she attaches to particular facts and experiences.
At the end of this cycle, the international exam Test DaF can be taken.
Advanced Levels
Level C 1 (equivalent to C 1.1. – C 1.3 CEF)
The student understands extended speech even when it is not clearly structured and when relationships are only implicit and not explicitly stated. Can understand television programs and films without much effort. Can understand long and complex texts of a literary or factual nature, appreciating stylistic distinctions.
Understands specialized articles and long technical instructions, even if they are not related to his/her specialty. Expresses him/herself fluently and spontaneously without having to search very obviously for appropriate expressions. Uses language flexibly and effectively for social and professional purposes. Can formulate ideas and opinions with precision and relate his/her interventions skilfully to those of other speakers. Can present clear, detailed descriptions of complex subjects involving other subjects, developing concrete ideas and ending with an appropriate conclusion. Can express him/herself in clear, well-structured text, expressing points of view at some length. Can write about complex subjects in letters, essays or reports, highlighting what he/she considers to be important aspects. They select the appropriate style for the readers to whom their writings are addressed, and may even be able to apply for a job.
At the end of this cycle, the international exam Test DaF can be taken.